Xiaoqi has faith in America, our democratic system, our Constitution and the rights and liberties it assures. Xiaoqi is running for State Committeewoman because she believes in America and wants to help keep our County, State and Country great.
Xiaoqi Wang believes that freedom and limited government go hand-in-hand, and that socialism and big government suppress freedom, liberty and opportunity. Xiaoqi also believes that Republicans must find and support candidates who champion individual liberty, believe in limited government and are committed to holding government accountable to we the people.
Reject Socialist Ideology
Xiaoqi Wang believes that Republicans can be inclusive, without diminishing their core values, by rediscovering those basic principles which make America and the Republican Party great - individual freedom, limited government, the rule of law, peace through strength, fiscal responsibility, free markets and human dignity.
Republicans United
Xiaoqi Wang believes that the county Republican Executive Committees are the Republican Party’s basic, grassroot organization. Xiaoqi believes that the Executive Committee’s primary MISSION is to support Republican candidates that will advance liberty, free enterprise, traditional values, who will work hard to enact fiscally-sound, common-sense solutions.
Xiaoqi Wand does not believe that the local Republican Executive Committees are lobbyists or watchdog organizations. Xiaoqi believes that the local Executive Committee members must educate themselves and the voters on the issues and look for and promote candidates that support Republican principles and will hold our government accountable to we the people.
The Executive Committees’ Purpose
Xiaoqi Wang believes that election integrity is directly related to our understanding of the voting system and our ability to find system defects and fraudulent activity. Xiaoqi also believes that Brevard County is doing great job with Election Day Poll Watching and encourages her fellow Republicans to volunteer as poll workers and watchers.
Xiaoqi Wang believes that mail in ballots should be the exception, not the rule. Xiaoqi also believes that as long as mail in balloting is open to all, Republicans must be proactive, especially in the senior communities, to ensure that the democratic process is not abused.
Election Integrity
As your State committeewoman, Xiaoqi Wang will be your voice in the Republican Party, and she will be the bridge between your County and State Republican Parties. As your State Committeewoman,
Xiaoqi Wang will:
· Work with, assist and cooperate with your District Chair, County Chair and Party Field Directors in promoting seminars, caucuses,
and fund-raising events; and
· Share with the officers and members of the Brevard County Executive Committee all public correspondence, newsletters, bulletins, etc., from the Republican Party of Florida
and other relevant sources.
The Bridge
As your Republican Committeewoman, Xiaoqi Wang will support Executive Committee fundraising efforts designed to fund campaign activities, such as printed literature, mail brochures, text messaging, emailing and more, promoting conservative candidates in every election. Xiaoqi believes that by supporting conservative candidates financially, more Republicans will be elected and, in turn,
that Brevard County will prosper.
Republican Candidate Support
As your Republican Committeewoman Xiaoqi Wang will focus on getting out the vote and energizing our community. Brevard is one of the top Counties in Florida for Republican voter turnout, and Xiaoqi is committed to engaging people from every community to increase Republican voter registration and turnout.
Voter Registration and
Getting Out the Vote
Brevard County is home to several Republican Clubs - some are affiliated with the Republican Party, and some are affiliated with other Republican organizations. Xiaoqi Wang believes that while each Club has its own focus, they all hold the same conservative ideals, and they all are grassroots Republicans at heart. Xiaoqi also believes that the Clubs can successfully collaborate in a variety of ways, while maintaining their individual identity, and that doing so would be a win-win for all Republicans.